Myanmar Association of Japan Alumni ( MAJA )

Myanmar Association of Japan Alumni

MAJA is federated association of former students of Japan including, JICA, AOTS, Monbusho, Kobe University, Japan Foundation and Private Students. Contact between Myanmar scholars and Japanese Universities took place since early 19th century. The arrival in war time Japan of 30 military cadets from Myanmar (then known as Burma or Biruma in Japanese) went to the Imperial Military Acadamy in Zama near Tokyo to be joined a year later by another group of cadets. Also 30 Myanmar civilian scholars participated in the program on Japan Overseas Scholars from the South or Nanpo Tokubetsu Ryugakusei (Nantokus). Myanmar Association of Japan Alumni (MAJA), founded in 10 December 2010, is the non-profit, non political and non-governmental organization according to the rules and regulation of ASEAN Council of Japan Alumni (ASCOJA). The Association has been formed with the following aims and objects.

  • (a) To organize Myanmar alumni of educational and training institutions in Japan to participate in economic, social and educational development activities of the country within the bounds of State policy and under the supervision and direction of Myanmar Japan Friendship Association.
  • (b) To advise, aid and guide Members on their return to Myanmar in respect of resettlement including opportunities and conditions of employment.
  • (c) To advise, aid and guide students intending to study in Japan.
  • (d) To take part in educational activities promoting knowledge of Japanese among Myanmar nationals and knowledge of Myanmar among Japanese nationals.
  • (e) To promote and foster civic, economic, social, educational and cultural activities amongst its Members.
  • (f) To deal directly with ASCOJA (ASEAN Council of Japan Alumni) as a regular chapter and to fully participate in its activities.
  • (g) To co-operate with the ASJA (Asia Japan Alumni) International for mutually agreed purposes.

List of Patrons, MAJA

  1. Brigadier General Tint Swe ( Senior Patron )
  2. Colonel Khin Maung Thaung ( Patron )
  3. Dr. Khin Shwe ( Patron )
  4. Dr. Aung Kyaw ( Patron )
  5. U Myint Wai (Patron )
  6. U Myint Thaung ( Patron )
  7. Daw Si Si Shein ( Patron )

Prof: Dr. Myo Khin

  • Vice-President (Administration)
    U Soe Win

  • Vice-President (Finance)
    U Myint Soe

  • Vice-President (Education)
    Prof: Dr. Swe Swe Win

  • Vice-President (Culture & Information)
    Daw Mu Mu

  • General Secretary
    Daw Mo Mo San

  • Treasurer
    Dr. San San Lwin

  • Auditor
    U Aung Kyi Thwin

  • Joint Secretary (Education)
    Dr. Hla Myat Mon

  • Joint Secretary (Culture & Information)
    U Thant Sin Naing

  • Joint Secretary (Administration)
    Daw Thin Pa Pa Htwe

  • EC member
    Dr. Thinn Aye Aye Ko

  • EC member
    Daw Khin Sane Win

  • EC member
    Daw Khaing Khaing

  • EC member
    Dr. Zayar Lin

Other associate alumni organizations are JICA Alumni Association of Myanmar (JAAM), alumni associations of Tokyo, Nagoya, Hiroshima and Kobe Universities and Myanmar Branch of Overseas Human Resources and Industry Development Association (HIDA).

(1) ၂၀၂၃ ခုနှစ် ဒီဇင်ဘာလ (၃)ရက် JLPT - အမှားပြင်ဆင်ရန်တင်ထားသည့် အောင်လက်မှတ်များ ထုတ်ယူခြင်းနှင့် ပတ်သက်၍ (နောက်ဆုံးအသုတ်) (2) အကြိမ် (၂၀)မြောက် ဂျပန်စာပေဘာသာပြန်ပြိုင်ပွဲ ၂၀၂၅ ခုနှစ်
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